
Supernatural X Reader - Part 7

Deviation Actions

Berjhawn's avatar

Literature Text

    When you opened your eyes you found that you were lying alone in a hospital room. Panic surges through your body as you jerk upright and try to call out and finding that you voice was still gone. You instantly stand up and walking to the door opens it to see nurses and patients’ alike staring at you in confusion. “Sam!” You call out your voice still not coming. “Dean!” Tears fill your eyes as you go through every room until you end up running into someone who instantly wraps their arms around you. “_______, you’re okay! It’s alright.” You look up to see Sam’s familiar bluish eyes and the tears start to pour as you bury your face in his chest.

“Where is Dean and John?” You mouth out as you look back up into his eyes. “Dad’s fine, Dean not so much.” “Can I see them, I need to see Dean!” You reach up and Sam noticing the fear and urgency in your eyes takes your hands and helps you up. He leads you to John first; you walk into the room and instantly stare daggers down at the man. “I see you’re awake.” Your narrow your eyes as if to say, ‘No shit Sherlock!’ he sighs as he says, “Look, I know I messed up. I’m sorry for leaving you behind.”

Your eyes soften as you mouth out the words to Sam so he could voice them to John, “She says she understands but she is still pissed at you,” “I would expect nothing less. Have you seen Dean yet?” You shake your head and he sighs as he says, “Go on, she needs to see him now.” Lightning flashes in your eyes as you look back and forth between the two men. “What’s going on?” You mouth out but Sam doesn’t answer he just leads you from the room and down the hall to a door where upon looking in see Dean lying there unconscious with every kind of machine hooked up to him.

Your heart clenches as you slowly walk over to him and reaching out gently trace the gash on his forehead. “Dean,” You mouth out his name and tears instantly start to fall from your eyes. “They said they won’t know the extent of the damage until he wakes up.” You reach your hand over his chest and using your powers look inside to see that his organs were already trying to give up. “Um ma’am the doctor needs to check you.” You hear a female voice say from behind you and you turn to see a young woman with dark hair standing patiently in the doorway.

“Come on, I’ll go with you.” Sam says as he takes your hand and leads you back to your hospital room. You make Sam stay there with you as the nurses and Doctors examine you. Your doctor was a dark man with chocolate eyes, he stared at you confused as he says, “In all honesty your recovery is a miracle, when you were brought in here you had a piece of shrapnel lodged in your windpipe, glass shards sticking out of your skull, your lungs were collapsing, your ribs crushed, even your eyes were cut by debris. How you are able to walk around and move as freely as you do is a miracle,” You feel a sudden pang of fear fill your heart and you reach out to Sam.

“Yeah she’s a fast healer. Um Doc, what about her voice? When will she be able to talk again?” Sam asks as he takes your hand and moves closer to you. “She may never be able to talk again, like I said; she had a very large piece of shrapnel lodged into her windpipe. If she ever talks again it will be a miracle.” Your grip tightens on his hand as you try not to cry. There were more pressing matters at hand then your voice. “She is well enough to be discharged soon.” The doctor says as he turns and leaves the room leaving you and Sam alone. You see something out of the corner of your eye and turn to see that there wasn’t anything there. You narrow your eyes as you clearly feel some kind of presence other than Sam’s.

You were discharged later that night but you refused to leave Dean’s side, there was an eerie feeling surrounding the older son and you didn’t like it. You watch as Dean’s chest slowly moves up and down on the breathing machine. Sam had met up with someone named Bobby to get something’s from the Impala and you had stayed behind as usual not wanting to leave Dean’s side. After pair of Nurses leave you walk over and sitting down beside him reach forward and placing your hand on his cheek force your voice into his head, “Dean, can you hear me? If you can you need to wake up, you need to live. For some reason I cannot heal you, please some back. Sammy needs you,” Tears fill your eyes as you think back to that little boy twenty two years ago who promised to take care of Sammy that fateful night. “Dean, I am so sorry-”

“Come on quit crying its nothing you could’ve stopped.” You hear a voice say but it didn’t come from his body. You follow the voice to see Dean standing a few feet behind you. “Dean?” You mouth as you look back and forth between the two of them. “Wait you can see me?” “Dean!” You mouth out as you stand and walk over to him stopping just a few feet in front of him. “How is this possible?” He asks as he reaches out to touch you only to have his hand go straight through you. “I don’t know but before you disappear is there anything you want me to tell Sam?” You mouth out but her narrows his eyes at you as he says, “Come on I can’t read your lips when you talk that fast!” You sigh as you slowly repeat yourself. He opens his mouth to say something but instantly closes it again.

You wave your arms to get his attention and he instantly walks out the room you following close behind him. You follow him to John’s room where you see John and Sam yelling at each other. “Stop it!” Dean yells out and in a fit of anger knocks a glass off of John’s tray shattering it. You watch as the men stop fighting and turn to the glass. You reach out to Sam right as Dean starts to collapse in the floor. “Dean!” You mouth out as you run over to his side only to earn you looks of confusion from the other Winchesters. Before he could answer you see people rushing by the room and your heart drops. You follow Sam and see that the commotion was coming from Dean’s room.

Sam grabs you before you are able to rush into his room. “Let them help him!” His grip tightens around your waist and the two of you stand there waiting for some word. A few minutes later you hear the monitor start to beep again and your heart relaxes. You pull away from Sam and looking up into his eyes mouth, “I’m going to stay with Dean.” He nods as he says, “Yeah, I’ll be right back.” You watch as he pulls away and walks back down to John’s room. You sigh as you look back to Dean and after the nurses leave walk in and set down on the bed next to him.

A few minutes later Sam returns with a brown paper bag and says to Dean, “Hey I think you’re around, and if you are, don’t laugh at me for this; but um there’s one way we can talk.” He reaches into the bag and pulls out a Ouiji board. “Oh you gotta be kidding me,” Dean says and you turn to see him standing at the foot of the bed. You watch as Sam sits down on the floor and placing the board on the floor let out a hopeful sigh. “Dean, Dean are you here?” Sam asks as he looks around the room. “God, I feel like I’m at a slumber party.” You roll your eyes as he sits down in front of Sam and says, “This isn’t gonna work.” A few seconds later you hear him say again, “I’ll be dammed.” “It’s good to hear you man, it hasn’t been the same without you.” “Dam straight!” You turn and getting Sam’s attention mouth, “I’ll be right back.”

Making your way out of Deans room you let out a sigh as you walk into John’s to see that he was gone. You look both ways in the hall and narrow your eyes as you see him making his way downstairs. Anger fills your body as you follow closely behind him. You follow him all the way to the boiler room where you see him pull ingredients out of his bag and start mixing them together. You narrow your eyes as you remain just out of sight of him. You hear him start to speak Latin and your eyes widen, “What are you doing!” you try to yell out but it’s too late. You watch as a man walks over to him but you instantly know the truth, its Azazel. You rush forward only to be sent backwards just before John is able to see you. You try screaming out to him but nothing works.

“John!” You try to scream out but end up just watching as the man that seemed so strong to you all those years ago sells his soul to the devil in exchange for Dean’s life. When Azazel leaves the force you felt holding you against the wall vanishes and you fall to the floor gasping for air. John turns toward you once he hears your gasps and his eyes widen, “______! What are you doing here?” He rushes over to you but you shy away from him. “How could you!” You mouth out to him as you stare daggers into his eyes. “I did it to save Dean he was gonna die, I couldn’t let that happen!” You clench your jaw as you force yourself to stand and when you turn back to him slap him across the face.

“What the hell was that for?!” “You are gonna leave these boys behind alone! They love you and you’re just gonna leave them?!” “Dammit _____, I know what I’m doing!” “I can’t just sit back and let you do this to them!” “What help were you? You’re supposed to be all powerful but you can’t even heal your own throat let alone Dean, if you had been able to heal him I wouldn’t have had to stoop to this!” Your eyes widen in shock as you mouth, “Don’t you think I know that? I wish I could heal him but I can’t I don’t know why, something is wrong and I know it. Now I have to live with the fact that because of me they have lost both their mother and father.” John’s eyes widen as he says, “What are you talking about?”

You look down at the ground as you mouth, “It was an accident but I ended up leading Azazel to your house. I didn’t know what he was going to do honest! I tried to save you all but I failed.” John clenches his jaw as he grabs you by the arm and drags you back up the stairs to Dean’s room where he was now sitting wide awake. You heart jumps into your throat when you see him. Before you ware able to walk into the room John pulls you away and says, “You stay away from my kids.” You look into his eyes as your heart starts to break. “What?” you mouth out as tears fill your eyes. “You led Azazel to their mother do you really think they will let you stay around or even live after I tell them!” You gulp down a breath of air as he says, “Go, I’m giving you a head start but the next time they see you; will be the day they kill you.”

You take one last look into the room and right as Dean’s emerald eyes hit you, you turn and run away as fast as you can leaving a trail of tears behind you. This was the moment you had dreaded all these years and it had just happened. You look back at the hospital right as Azazel passes by a window and you narrow your eyes in anger. “Fine if you want it that way, I’ll just become a hunter and hunt alone until father comes back.” You turn back and feeling the wind whip wildly around you, make a vow that even though they probably wanted to kill you now; that you would do whatever it would take to save them from themselves.

Yay another part :D two in one night :D

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emma-chanLovesMadara's avatar
I cried so hard, and I whimpered too